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AHA research & developments: is a business consulting organization: Incorporating soft-care reforms as a legal human necessity into business commerce, healthcare, and legislative wellness over hard-care policies. This company means to legislate more soft-care interventions to address unsuccessful procedural and structural defects that pu
AHA research & developments: is a business consulting organization: Incorporating soft-care reforms as a legal human necessity into business commerce, healthcare, and legislative wellness over hard-care policies. This company means to legislate more soft-care interventions to address unsuccessful procedural and structural defects that public welfare, healthcare and private industries wrestle with. We research, study, survey and speak with businesses and people from all walks of life to understand commerce, necessity and policymaking improvements. Our philosophy culture is for a higher standard of living, and work staff, esp in governmental agencies, public facilities, in order to uplift community standards by better understanding the wisdom of analyzing why things are the way they are? Why they look the way they do? And when difficulty in faculties occur, where truly do these issues or in-effective policies stem from and how to fix these defects, improving business commerce by improving service, for the American public and community welfare all around.
In short: we demand governments shape up to offer more options to the people instead of demanding the people or their companies be mandated to governments. Why? because the government is a larger entity that can help the smaller people, not the other way around. And that is were our ideals stand, here we demand governments offer more help to people allowing for more options in commerce for people and private companies.
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one to resolve the political bands that has connected them to one another, and to assume amongst them the powers of the earth, and a separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of God entitles them. A decent respect to the opinions of human-kind. That the people have right to declare the cause, which impels them to action or separation.That we hold this truth to be self evident that 'All humankind are created equal', and are endowed by their creator, with certain unalienable rights, and that among these rights are; life, liberty and the pursuit of health and happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted amongst us, allowing the people to rive for just powers, and for the justifiable means to govern themselves That 'whenever any form of government' becomes maniacal or destructive of their ends, it is the 'right of the people or person(s)' to 'alter' and or 'abolish' it . The declaration of independence by the United States; from our founding mothers and fathers. With the word health inserted, in hopes to uplift the standards of our care and bring a higher understanding of what our constitution further meant standing for
As a organization consulting in improved program developments and upliftment intervention, one can say; This organization functions in promising that our goals are to bring about the best insight and business solutions possible, by docents and analytical minds, who have dedicated their entire lives to erudition and research of all kinds.
As a organization consulting in improved program developments and upliftment intervention, one can say; This organization functions in promising that our goals are to bring about the best insight and business solutions possible, by docents and analytical minds, who have dedicated their entire lives to erudition and research of all kinds. In a day and age where common sense is no longer common, is something very common here in our organization.
AHA institute strives to innovate in everyday life solutions to new areas of untouched creativity and developments in public forum from the importance of the arts, to health CARE, to sciences, to technology and independent business acumin, down to education, employment, insurance reform and legislative wellness.
Here we mean to learn how to legislate more rights for companies, professionals, employment management, to the general publics needs to the disabled demanding better standards in business by improving better standards of living. from uplifting communities and cultures to thrive. By innovating on who to reach areas of untapped resources, that haven't yet been discovered or thought of, or areas where legal means need improvements need to be necessitated for more allowances and options improving businesses and structures, even if it means assisting in down to family dynamics and businesses as worthy functions for government aids to offer assistance too. As a means of community care and public assistance, even if its for the simple purposes of keeping a family and their businesses together.
We here are divinely inspired in catering to these fortifying means by offering beautifying service latittues to the people and the spirits of people.
We believe the art of living is by creating successful commerce for healthier, Cities, States and thus demanding broader business dynamics for the people and their communities to thrive from providing for people private and or public non profit and for profit companies. We believe its the governments job to give to their communities interests and concerns, not private companies but that the government should be required to help peoples public and private needs in assistance to serve its people, as a primary care as if it were a necessity in consideration of what supporting people and communities should actually look like. Not only for the well-being of commerce, but for people and their businesses to be better provided for by governments to their publics interests...
While remaining constitution driven, we regard the publics interest, as our highest religion.
An example of what that would look like in real time is as such; a farmer has a farm but cannot keep up with the work load. Than municipalities and government can step in to help farmer stay afloat into better conditions than it was before to solve the problem and step out. A tech company wants to create medical advancements, or a dating site that guarantees dates from their site, if accounts kept long enough, can end up with couples or marriage counseling. (This is intellectual property by the way. please contact me if you wish to create it.). However in the app or site comes to find it cannot manage the logistics of that financially down the line. The government can step in to fund the founder to help her/him the resources to be able to pull off the services , and steps out without strings attached, except to make sure they have been and will continue to pay all their taxes. And the reason why this is important for the governments to help, is due to such,... is because, is that dating app idea not healthier for the healthcare and welfare of the public? Than other dating apps that don't care to offer couples counseling down the line?. Plus, isnt the farmer being able to stay in business, good for the people as well? Since the farmer feeds the people.
We here are demanding that... better quality of living is a 'necessity to better health care, just as vital as heart surgery is to the quality of a hearts beat or the heart of life. Making quality care an obligation of the government to provide, because it is infact necessary for the public welfare. And that is of our ideals here at AHA institute(s).
Is that we hope to make government municipalities understand. That although money is important, that it is not as valuable or as important to the commodity of commerce, as it is, to the service of man.
One of the many unique maverick id like to say this companies is abled to rely focuses of research and business consulting in, is the ability to help acompany in the communications that help companies, individuals, communities, education boards, healthcare systems, and even banking systems figure out ways to legislating improving their
One of the many unique maverick id like to say this companies is abled to rely focuses of research and business consulting in, is the ability to help acompany in the communications that help companies, individuals, communities, education boards, healthcare systems, and even banking systems figure out ways to legislating improving their variables, by offering more options for their public over forcing everyone to reform everything to the latest technologies, of chip cards and what not if they dont wish to follow the new forum and want to remain in use of old technologies that worked for them just fine, as a legal necessity that should be allowed to businesses and consumers that have already been grandfathered into older systems they got used to using that worked for them just well and fine.
Should be, mandatory government responsibility to fund business in keeping, no matter what the costs, as a respect paid to their businesses for paying taxes.
And this are the details. in which our great minds differ to think and offer in exchange in, by simply attempting to enact legal policies requiring govenemnt to better cater to the businesses and publics need by allowing people and companies to diversify it company policies by adding more optional structures onto what already exists, than a one size must for all solution for the government want to control, we offer that if so is. the case, than. the government should pay for the difference .
Instead of Forcing individual usually people people like cattle to change all their ways of functions to be inundated, for them to offer banks their hard earned money to exchange and give loans to people with more money, from fund the public insert to but one penny to a hundred dollar of benefit to them. We do this by keeping older developments, while mobilizing new structors and further allocating old and untapped resources to keep old systems working, This also resolves any defective policies from continuing to lose the publics interests, forcing government to are about. the poeples care whether the government is functioning in private policies to delegating improvements that are required for public policies, demanding they remain inclusive to clients of their older generations ways and new.
In short: this institute is here to consult in options by improving common sense literacy over un human technology-based solutions by improving any dysfunction within systems, by people, that can fix things within a given system by the human touch, instead of depending on internet and technology to have to fix things, with the goals that this rather actually keeps businesses more successful as well as allowing all options open to its public, instead of limiting them.
This organization is basically an infrastructure of stabilizing quality care that has worked before for people, just fine for people to continue to work within their means, without robbing them of what they already studied and began to be accustomed too, from computer sciences or Apple computers throwing old computers away that should work life long, if it is to ever be sold, to softwards being able to work life long, or having. medium that offers it, or it isn't really a successful medium for something that is now so intrinsic to the piblics to function at all now,to only promise it'll work for a year when it could and should be made with some promise to work somewhat life long or these major companies with all their scientist can definitely afford to improve their technologies . These sort of values demonstrate not only the importance of honest service to the people, but also make room for more profitable wealth that's more effectively at client retention as well as offers a loyalty bound to be more lucratively in the long run for the longevity of a company with more consistent stock rise profitability margins. Not to mention more innovatively authentic to its public. as well also being preventive measure for any conflicts resolutions or interests ever being a problem. And these are but. some of the high values we demonstrate at this researching compendium, that is aimed to better profit for profit and nonprofit organizations by demonstrating govevnerments better serving business commerce , allowing companies we part and thing for to diversify their business acumen in more long term goal oriented lucrative life long successfully meaningful ways, by taking off the burdens from the small man and businesses that catter to the working class heros, by mandating governments offer funding to fix its structural defects for the interests and health of a business and the businesses public, while still limiting government powers to. be nothing more than a body that helps problem solve problems for a company and its businesses bests interests, than being required to remove its fangs after structural defect was fixed unless until services are needed again. I know this sounds like a a dream. Howver everything is possible and here we understand how.
And you will not hear these words come from the mouth of an idiot. Maybe an idiot savant, but not an idoit.
Our main goal is to prevent any problems and solving them if after they become issues that need resolving. Howwever we live to prevent conflicts, as this is what we believe makes our consulting organization the best body we have to offer to the aid of any business care. Our purpose is to shed light and focus on areas of both strengths and weaknesses in commerce, by addressing even social defective concerns by offering qualitative conflicts resoltuon and care with the motivation of creating more legislative wellness and quantitative results, in solving technical difficulties, unsuccessful fiscals issues and social problems that sometimes bleed into regulations, that leave ineffectual government procedures, programs, structural defects & much more areas of focus unimproved; We do understand addressing such a heavy loaded issues are pretty labor intensive because it requires a tremendous amount of sensitivity and research that is unique to every situation touched. Yet its a mission we take pleasure in providing because if we do not, we would be saddened with the burdens of , than, who will? Esp when I think to myself, who will really care enough to do a great job, at something meaningful and altruistically inclined. Yet we have faith that when one does great works in the name of understanding in the important of decency and compassion that yes one might be fought with difficulty but when they take on such works of love, they also have the foot prints. ofGod on their side.
Partnering up to undertake new administrations is the ways this organization wishes to support client retention and the relationships companies wish to build whether it is for communities or whether it be in client care or fostering improved values in all an organizations dynamics for profit. We do so, vy caring to offer better care and service to your public. Because it is in our willingness to be generous and want better to others offers us the ability to be better to ourselves by doing better for the eco system of a business is what we are proficient in. And it rely upon a synergy that understand the importance of detail in animation of the metaphysical exchanges that are also part of a businesses, whether people care to care about the details or not. More ever because indifference breeds poor affectation to economical exchange. As it leads to poor values in company beneficial leadership. That ends up bleeding into eroding the faith in business relationship, which is not beneficial, but ends up creating lost oppertunities that result in bad structors. Creating shortened life spans of services down the line. Better statute laws and Companies philosophy in busines commerce, literally heals this problem, simply by upping the standard of care we provide, offers a natural upliftment of our economical evolution as well as the consequences that these successful agreements end up offering in the improvements of our lives. For if knowledge is power, than if businesses strives for wisdom. than that is a business ultimate power. Than what wisdom can you find, greater than kindness?. —Jean-Jacques Rousseau .
Now with AI Businesses tending to forget the important of the human touch. Essentially trying to idiotically turn all our human businesses and interactions into non human based ones. Our company requires an understanding that the human condition, requires humanity to partake in the necessity of the human touch being part of human commerce even if we cant help but err at times, we mustn't forget that human interaction is the most important in business exchanges, why? because here we valyue maintaining the solutions that require human employment, as something that is much more meaningful in maintaining to far exceed any technological advancement for any business protocols and here is why?. In short: no business on earth can sustain, suffice or even thrive without the touches of human service. And even though science fiction has tried to teach us differently. It is important for companies to understand that the human touch as a necessary pillar for the condition will remain the most important standard that must be upheld to the welfare of commerce, and that it is non sense to think otherwise. Lastly, there is no such thing as a robot able to solve a companies problem all on its own, without being charged or on some human upheld grid anyways, reminding us that it is superfluous to continue to make technology without the requirements of human supervision, even possibly requiring and reminding us that it might be best to employ one human. to service every machine atlewat in a ratio of 1:1 head count per machine. or how stupid and unnatural it is to let any organization completely depend us upon machines by themselves. Esp without requiring for the ability of man to accompany being able to solve its possible defects of an problems of any kind that could arise from a machine, whether it require the huamn employed position knows how to independently and interdependently or codependantly address fixing a mechanism used within. a given business. This offer maintains the neeed for employment to remian on the rise, while being a necessary element of the human touch always being ablt tocan fix any problem that can always arise from the life span of a electrically impulsed operated machine.
Strategic management for revenue enhancement.
Consulting for outcome improvement.
Motivational counseling & coaching.
Qualitative and quantitative data.
Business retention and acumen '
Organizational management.
Client based administration.
Research consulting care.
Intellectual property(s)
Conflict Resolution(s).
Healing Architecture.
Health in Nutrition.
Public relations.
Media outreach.
Media control.
Legal analysis.
Proofing legal documents or assisting in motioning them.
Planner/booker of Retreat(s) for event gatherings.
Marketing strategies and event organizing.
Film; Marketing and content director.
Consumer and client satisfaction.
Future Real Estate developments.
Yoga instruction & therapies.
Legal Research & Analysis.
Personal Health Coaching.
Administrative consulting.
Organization of home life.
Legal Liaison & Analyst.
Health coach wellness.
Motivational speaker.
Conflicts resolutions.
Personal assistance.
Personal coaching.
Adversary panel.
Health fitness.
Case manager.
Focus group.
Are you a certified psychologist?
No, I am a analyst, researcher, social equity consultant, journalist, writer, a certified yoga instructor an Artist who is experienced with health care from both the private and public sector with the background in legal sciences and a natural in business psychology as it is a field I was immersed in since childhood. I observed in detail the concerns of people and all working class in commerce, in relations to relationships, home life and health, female to male issues. Moreover, as a writer and avid advocate of Americana civil liberties, Id like to call out how The constitution is my chosen religion. In essence AhA institutes is a delegation firm, puting companies needs and goals above our own in all matters, however possible in the care of the cause or the public..
In essence at the core we are a consulting firm that consults in better living, better health, better standards, better care, thus a better world for all of us all around.
What is the inspiration behind this soft-care organization?
This startup is still in the makings of how can one implement meaningful Senate Bills legally enforcing care for diverse private and public sectors to what should decide the FDAs stamp or approval to nuclear waste concerns to whats allowing certain cancer chemicals in our agriculture verses other other countries who finding the pesticides we use on apples toxic to even mandating either more soft-care therapy coverages by organisation to state senate to its people or insurances policies to its persons and vesa versa. This organization is only the beginning of what I would call an 'organizational movement' to improve life through business, as if it was our own business... and here at AHA institutes we are passionate about laying down a foundation of meaningful philosophical advocacy in making altruism possible in business, giving all communities a higher standard of living to all life from the ground up. Our motto or slogan, to all things decent, good and meaningful is; Why not?
Please contact us via email with www.Mahaheart.org in the subject title so email wont be missed. Thank you.
Apart of this program's ideals is to be connected an able to be of assistance in all hours humanly possible.
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